MI: Ukrainian Pitch

Mayak Innovatsiy_Season#3_Episode#3_Vitaly Sych_NV.ua

Episode Summary

#19. Vitaly Sych — Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Novoye Vremya”

Episode Notes

Vitaly Sych — Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Novoye Vremya”, one of the leading media in Ukraine. We were talking about the standards of genuine journalistic, about media as a business, about fake news and social media as a massive phenomenon, about technologies such as AI behind the modern media, and its chances to compete with a human being in journalism. Also, from this episode, you can find out what topic is more popular in Ukraine — sex or politics. 

For topical news from Ukraine pls visit: https://nv.ua/ukr

Thanks for the sound engineering of the podcast to Masterskaya.Space and especially to Pasha Cecetov.